Getting Ready

After six weeks of classes, several hundred pages of articles, and one excellent faculty-hosted dinner of German soups and cakes, the fifteen 360 students and their three faculty are finally zipping up their suitcases and double checking passports.  While their colleagues and classmates catch up on grading, participate in an externship, or nap with vigor, we will spend Fall Break in Freiburg, a German university town with a history of progressive environmental policy and innovation.  Working with Innovation Academy, a local educational non-profit, our group will meet with local activists, scientists, and politicians.  Our itinerary includes visits to a working farm, the oldest meteorological collection station in the country, and a solar-powered football (soccer) stadium.

I’m along for the ride as well, to keep track of the train tickets, and to open a window into the meetings and hikes the students take.  As the 360 Program coordinator, I’ll endeavor to give you a sense of why we visit the places we do, and each day we will have student commenters to tie their on-the-ground experiences to the academic work they’ve been working on all year.  Hopefully, we’ll also be able to show you the beautiful south-west German autumn.

You can catch us on social media under #bmc360.  If there are things you’d like to know more about, please ask!  Thanks for joining us on this adventure.